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Use of GetResponseEx


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Could someone please explain the use of GetResponseEx versus GetResponse. There is no help on the GetResposeEx command.


int GetResponseEx(char *pinstr, char *poutstr, size_t maxchars,

unsigned char EchoMode,int ack)


I assume it has much of the same functionality of GetResponse:


*pinstr - ptr to input string


maxchars - max length of output string


EchoMode - PMAC "echo" parameter which determines the format of the response


*poutstr - ptr to output string



0 == OK, - == error number


What do I do with the "ack" parameter?

Any other differences --- when would you use one command versus the other?


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Could someone please explain the use of GetResponseEx versus GetResponse. There is no help on the GetResposeEx command.


int GetResponseEx(char *pinstr, char *poutstr, size_t maxchars,

unsigned char EchoMode,int ack)


I assume it has much of the same functionality of GetResponse:


*pinstr - ptr to input string


maxchars - max length of output string


EchoMode - PMAC "echo" parameter which determines the format of the response


*poutstr - ptr to output string



0 == OK, - == error number


What do I do with the "ack" parameter?

Any other differences --- when would you use one command versus the other?



The additional ack parameter if set to 1 returns a character 6 to indicate the end of a multiple line response. GetResponseEx will handle the following additional commands, save,$$$,$$$***,reboot, and macro station close. It will also handle symbolic names provided a project with symbols has already been loaded.


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