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when i use the PLC to monitor the PID parameter,everytime i open the PMAC ,The pid parameter is return to the PID parameter which i monitored.if I want to change the PID parameters,i have to send a command "disable plcc16"to the terminal window,I use the "open plc16 clear"command to clear the plc ,but it can't be cleared!

so in this situation,everytime i have to send a command"disable plcc16"to the terminal window before i want to change the pid parameters!this is the normal situation?

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Not sure if I correctly understand your question, but I think you are controlling the PID gains from a PLCC. (?)


It is true that PMAC does not support real time editing of programs.

Also, any edits are tempory until a 'SAVE' command is issued. So if you make an edit and reboot PMAC, the edits will be gone if you have not used SAVE. (this can be a very good safety net)

To change in real time do not 'hard code' the values in the software, but instead use variables. You can then change the variables in real time without having to edit the software.


In your question you refer to both PLC and PLCC - they are different so be sure you are refering to the correct one when updating.

The "open plc16 clear" command should be at the top of your text file so that you can make your edits to the current file, then when you download, the program buffer is opened, cleared, and the following code entered. These commands do not clear the screen, they execute in the PMAC. What you see onscreen in the editor is an independent copy of what is in the PMAC. Edits do not mean anything until the file is downloaded.


Not sure this is what you're asking, apologies if I'm misreading your question.

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