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S code subprog not executed


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The S code subprog is called when 0 <= code value <= 1000. Otherwise it only sets Ldata.D[53], but the subprog is not called. Is it a feature or bug?



Coord[1].Sprog = 1004

Subprog implementation:

open subprog 1004

P0 = Ldata.D[53]




In the buffered program, commands S-1 or S1001 only updates the Coord[x].Ldata.D[53] value, but P0 is left unchanged. Commands S0 to S1000 work correctly.

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Thanks Steve. Initially, we would like to use S code to change the spindle command speed to any value, such as S5000. But it turns out that S code works like G/M code, the code value range is limited rather than an arbitrary value. We will find another way to implement this function.
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