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RESOLVED - Motor[4].Desired.Pos delivers nan (not a number)


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I have 8 active motors, where always 2 are cascaded (#1 with #21, #2 with #22, #3 with #23, #4 with #24)


I use plc2 to start motion prog 10 in Coordinate-system &1:


open plc2




enable 1


while (( sys.cdtimer[3]>0) && (m281==0 || m282==0 || m283==0 || m284==0)) // wait for desvel=0




if ( sys.cdtimer[3]!>0)


M611=62 // Timout enable servos CS1




abort 1

start1:10 // Joystick Prog start


disable plc2



Using 3 (6) active motors (XYZ):

- plc2 starts prog10, and it works correctly


Using 4 (8) active motors (WXYZ)

- plc2 starts prog10 but prog10 does not run (listpc shows line 1 of prog10) and delivers Motor[4].Desired.Pos=nan,

- typing all the commands of plc2 manually into a terminal starts prog10 correctly

- Issuing #24j/#4j=0 before launching plc2 let run prog10 correctly

- after all, once Motor[4].Desired.Pos has a real number, prog10 can be started from plc2 any time without any problem



What is going wrong here?!




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We haven't seen this before and can't duplicate it so far. However, I'm concerned that you issue your "start" command immediately after the "abort" command. The abort command triggers a process that does take finite time.


Try putting a small delay in between these two commands in your PLC program.

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