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Turbo PMAC Address Conversion to Power PMAC


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Although in Power PMAC there are structure names defined for most of the IO devices, once in a while user has to find out the corresponding Power PMAC address for a known Turbo PMAC address. The following software will convert the addresses for you: [attachment=1382:name] examples of address which you can input: 78C00 $78C00 Y:$78C00,7 Y:$78C00,0,8
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I received a request for a modification on this software such that it can convert multiple addresses at a time instead of one address at a time. Since defining a special format for the file is more restrictive, I made an Excel Add-In to bring the address conversion to a fairly universal format. [attachment=1597:name] Here is how my Add-Ins dialog looks like: [attachment=1598:name] You can navigate to this dialog as follows: Excel 2003: Menubar, Tools, Add-ins Excel 2007: Start-button , Excel Options, Add-Ins, drop down: Excel add-ins, Go Excel 2010: File tab, Options, Add-Ins, drop down: Excel add-ins, Go In Add-Ins dialog click "Browse..." button and navigate to the extracted TP2PP.xla file. How to use the function: [attachment=1599:name]
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