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The software that commands our Delta Tau system was written assuming a coordinate system for each of our 26 motors. I have set the max number of coordinate systems to 32 with sys.maxcoords=32 but when I try to run a program giving it a coordinate system greater than 15 the program hangs. Is there another variable that needs to be set? (I'm a newbie...) Thanks!
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When the value of Sys.MaxCoords is increased, no assumptions should be made about the values of the saved setup elements for the newly usable coordinate systems. You should check all of the coordinate system setup elements for valid reasonable values - such as the current % value (Coord[x].DesTimeBase).


Use the following application note a s a guide:

"http://forums.deltatau.com/filedepot/download.php?f=Power PMAC/Application Notes/Why Is My Move Too Slow 2016-05.pdf"

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