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C Background Programs running state


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We're using PowerPmac with C Background Programs (Capp) and CPLCs. I know that we can see if a CPLC is running from "UserAlgo.BgCplc[n]" or "UserAlgo.RtiCplc". How could we know if a Capp program is running (from terminal window or a CPLC program)? Is there a similar register like "UserAlgo.BgCplc[n]" for Capp?


Many thanks,



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No, there is no built-in structure for determining if a background C program is running. You can monitor this in one two ways:


1. Create a global variable which you set when you start the program. This can be, for example, a "global" defined in global definitions.pmh.

2. Issue the "top" command in Linux and look to see if your program is in the list of programs running. Please google "Linux top command" for details on how "top" works.

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Thank you Charles, I wanted a bit status for control, so your first solution suits me very well.




No, there is no built-in structure for determining if a background C program is running. You can monitor this in one two ways:


1. Create a global variable which you set when you start the program. This can be, for example, a "global" defined in global definitions.pmh.

2. Issue the "top" command in Linux and look to see if your program is in the list of programs running. Please google "Linux top command" for details on how "top" works.

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