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Coordinate System Status Parser

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Edit: removed my original code because it was incorrect. Here is the code you can use to read Coord[x].ProgActive, ProgRunning, and ProgProceeding in C:


int ProgIsRunning(unsigned int n)
   if ((pshm->Coord[n].Ldata.Status & 0x2E) == 0x20) return 1;
   else return 0;

int ProgIsActive(unsigned int n)
   if ((pshm->Coord[n].Ldata.Status & 0x20) == 0x20) return 1;
   else return 0;

int ProgIsProceeding(unsigned int n)
   if (((pshm->Coord[n].Ldata.Status & 0x2E) == 0x20) && (pshm->Coord[n].FeedHold != 1)) return 1;
   else return 0;

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Charles and I worked on this one and identified some issues. We got the proper code as used in the firmware and it should be like this. I gave the routines names such that they can be used in C conditional statements nicely.


double ProgIsRunning()
   if ((Coord[n].Ldata.Status & 0x2e) == 0x20) return 1;
   else return 0;

double ProgIsActive()
   if ((Coord[n].Ldata.Status & 0x20) == 0x20) return 1;
   else return 0;

double ProgIsProceeding()
   if (((Coord[n].Ldata.Status & 0x2e) == 0x20) && (Coord[n].FeedHold != 1)) return 1;
   else return 0;


ex usage:


//sleep for 1ms intervals until motion prog is done. 
while(ProgIsRunning()) MySleepSeconds(0.001);  

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