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How to make my G-code file in USB stick work?


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If I have G-code file savd by "*.txt" format in my USB stick,it may be from my Windows OS,and it's my be very large about 1G,so PPmac can't save it in flash. Now I want to make my G code work in Power Pmac,I don't know how to achieve it? Thanks!
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Just to clarify and make sure we are speaking about the same thing. When you speak of a G-code file I believe you are speaking of a part program and not the G-code definition file. Part programs that are too large to load into PPmac can be feed to the PPmac while executed, we call this a rotary buffer. To make this work you have to do a few things listed below. Note I will encapsulate commands in quotation marks "command", these are not part of the command. 1. The file containing the program should start with the line "&n open rotary" (replace n by the coordinate system number in which you desire the program to execute). 2. The file should end with the line "close". 3. The PPmac needs a defined rotary buffer. This is made with the command "&n define rotary x". As before n is the CS number and x is the desired buffer size. See the on-lne command manual for details of this command. 4. Currently the IDE has no interface to execute rotary buffer programs so you must do this from a command prompt in a telnet session. Once the telnet link is established enter "gpascii -ifilename" note there is no space beyween the "-i" and the "filename". Note "filename" can include the path. 5. The PPmac considers the rotary buffer as buffer 0. After step 4 is complete the PPmac is ready and all you need to do from the IDE terminal or other interface is send the command "&nB0r" (n is the same coordinate system number as used in step 1).
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