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Some ETHERCAT Slaves are missing in pp_save.cfg


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With Firmware, IDE

I configue two drives on Ethercat with SystemSetup and they work perfectly well as slave 0 & 1 on motor #1 &2 at the end of the setup.


When i do :

- "Save" or "Configuration" + "Upload Config File" or "Generate Config File", or in SystemSetup "Export Ethercat ...",

Nothing is generated in the config files regarding the Slave nb1 (no lines with ECAT[0].Slave[1]...)

Of course after a $$$, Slave 1 works no more over Ethercat.


Attached is the pp-save.cfg and the .xml exported.


Have i missed an operation or is there a problem ?


Exported_Ethercat_config.xml .txt

pp_save.cfg .txt

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Yes Brad, i did $$$*** in first of all.


In my projet on the PC (created with "file"+ "new projet" in the IDE,

i have no file "pp_save.tpl" (??), only a "pp_custom_save.tpl" (of 0 octets).

I done a backup, and inside the .tar, a pp_save.tpl is present in "usrflash/project/configuration/". Attached is this file.


PS: i attach also the result of the commande "backup ecat[0].." done in terminal at the end of SystemSetup when both slaves were working.

pp_save.tpl .txt

Answer to command backup ecat[0].. .txt

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I think you have firmware date May 8th 2014, please verify


The problem is the response to backup ecat[0].. On my system with same firmware and x2 ecat slave connected I get the correct response and my save is working. So we need to find why this response is not correct. I would do the following


1. Make sure no ethercat devices are connected to the pmac (unplug the cable)

2. $$$*** save $$$. Make sure no errors come in terminal window when you do this.

3. Connect ethercat and give power

4. Go to system setup and select File->New Setup This clears the motor setup part

5. Go to the Master[0] node and select "configure master[0]"


In the IDE terminal look at backup ecat[0]..


At this point if your devices have some default PDO mapping you need see the ECAT[0].SlaveCount=2 and you need to see the structures of ECAT[0].Slave[0], ECAT[0].Slave[1], and ECAT[0].Slave[2]


If they do not have any default mapping you might need to quickly do a simple PDO mapping for each and then do the backup command.


Np need to activate or anything to make sure at least this much is working.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you Brad for your answer.

I upgraded now to Firmware and IDE


I performed, without any succes, all the process you tell me above.


I tried also a configuration "offline" :

- With no Ethercat devices connected,

- $$$*** + Servoclock 4KHz + save + $$$

- SystemSetup and select File->New Setup

- configure master[0]

- Append device

- I add 2 devices "CDHD EtherCAT Drive (CoE)" with the Xml file "1_4_6_Servotronix_CDHD_PC0_Rv0.xml" attached.

- I add for test: DC, Startup and some PDO

No error have been mentionned (attached messages of the tab "Output")


In file created by "Export EtherCAT setup from PowerPmac" or on command backup ecat[0].. there is no lines with ECAT[0].Slave[1] ??


If i query the memory, Slave[1] is well configured (ECAT[0].Slave[1].Enable=1, etc)


SystemSetup offline (output tab) .txt

Backup ecat[0].. offline .txt

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I performed some additional tests (offline configuration) and think i found where the bug is.

It is when the "Product code" of the device is equal to 0.


The device Servotronix-CDHD has a ProductCode=0 (Xml file attached in the previous message).


My test:

After $$$***, with SystemSetup i configure :

- Servo Clock to 4KHz

- Slave-0: Device ABB-e150

- Slave-1: Device Servotronix-CDHD

All the configuration is ok with SystemSetup (if i do it online, the drives work ok)

In memory, i have ECAT[0].SlaveCount=2 and for Slave-1 : ECAT[0].Slave[1].ProductCode=$0


If i do now the command in terminal "backup ecat[0]..",

I got no lines with "ECAT[0].Slave[1]..." and in the lines "ECAT[0].Slave[0]..." there is the configuration done for Servotronix-CDHD (!!) instead of ABB-e150.

The configuration of my other drive, ABB-e150, is no more present ??


if now, i do simply in terminal :

ECAT[0].Slave[1].ProductCode=$1 (instead of =0) and then "backup ecat[0].."

The configuration is uploaded full ok

i get lines "ECAT[0].Slave[0]..." with my configuration done for my ABB-e150 and

lines "ECAT[0].Slave[1]..." with my configuration done for my Servotronix-CDHD


Off course, i can't work with this this configuration manually modified, because when save and $$$,

EtherCAT detects a misfit between ECAT[0].Slave[1].ProductCode=$1 and the ProductCode read by the SDO in the Drive the object 1018h sub 2 which is equal to 0.


For summary,

There is a bug in the command "backup ecat[0].." when a device in the structure "ECAT[0]. ..." has a .ProductCode equal to 0

Do you agree with me ?

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I performed some additional tests (offline configuration) and think i found where the bug is.

It is when the "Product code" of the device is equal to 0.


The device Servotronix-CDHD has a ProductCode=0 (Xml file attached in the previous message).


My test:

After $$$***, with SystemSetup i configure :

- Servo Clock to 4KHz

- Slave-0: Device ABB-e150

- Slave-1: Device Servotronix-CDHD

All the configuration is ok with SystemSetup (if i do it online, the drives work ok)

In memory, i have ECAT[0].SlaveCount=2 and for Slave-1 : ECAT[0].Slave[1].ProductCode=$0


If i do now the command in terminal "backup ecat[0]..",

I got no lines with "ECAT[0].Slave[1]..." and in the lines "ECAT[0].Slave[0]..." there is the configuration done for Servotronix-CDHD (!!) instead of ABB-e150.

The configuration of my other drive, ABB-e150, is no more present ??


if now, i do simply in terminal :

ECAT[0].Slave[1].ProductCode=$1 (instead of =0) and then "backup ecat[0].."

The configuration is uploaded full ok

i get lines "ECAT[0].Slave[0]..." with my configuration done for my ABB-e150 and

lines "ECAT[0].Slave[1]..." with my configuration done for my Servotronix-CDHD


Off course, i can't work with this this configuration manually modified, because when save and $$$,

EtherCAT detects a misfit between ECAT[0].Slave[1].ProductCode=$1 and the ProductCode read by the SDO in the Drive the object 1018h sub 2 which is equal to 0.


For summary,

There is a bug in the command "backup ecat[0].." when a device in the structure "ECAT[0]. ..." has a .ProductCode equal to 0

Do you agree with me ?

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