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Position Window in IDE


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We have 4 Power PMAC in use.


If we setup the counts per unit Position window for one IP, when we change to a different IP, it will remember the previous IP's setting.


A couple of questions.


1. In future versions can you please integrate a means for the IDE to associate a set of counts per unit to an IP so that we do not have to continually change the number of motors and counts per unit? Or is there already a mechanism to do this which we are unaware of?


2. For the current version of the IDE. Can you please tell me the file that is used to save the counts per unit, number of motors etc so that we can save versions per PPMAC so that we can save some setup time. We really do have quite a lot of motor nodes...


Thank you

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On a note to this I found the "PositionControl" configurations settings file which is pretty self explanatory.


So we at the moment at least can save the setup per IP.


Still it would be great to have a mechanism to load different configurations.


If anyone is interested the project configuration files are located

C:\Program Files (x86)\Delta Tau Data Systems Inc\2.0\Power PMAC Suite\INI


Assuming you used the default installation location

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