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Set Gate1[i].Chan[j].{ElementName} from IDE?


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You can set these elements both from within a program/plc as well as from the terminal. Just remember to set Sys.WpKey to $aaaaaaaa prior to writing to the elements.





Can I set the value of Gate1.Chan[j].{ElementName} from the IDE?

Or just from programs?

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OK, I should have asked the question differently. I know that I can write to these variables using the IDE as a terminal just as I can from a Telnet session. I'm asking a different question. I can set up motors, coord systems, etc., in the IDE by clicking on Delta Tau > Configure > Setup Variables. I'm asking if there is a similar utility for setting values for the sundry Gate1.Chan[j].{ElementName} items from the IDE and then downloading them? Is this what system setup does?
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