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Real motors following the phantom axes command position


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I have a requirement where a motion program is running on phantom coordinate system and real motors in another coordinate system have to closely follow the phantom command positions.


There will be routine occurrences in the application when real motors will have to move away by a large distance from the phantom positions. Then after some time, real motors have to follow phantom motors again. During all this time, motion program in phantom coordinate system keeps running.


When the real motors have to move back to phantom positions, it is necessary to have good response and high (controlled) speed without causing large overshoot and oscillations.


Can anybody tell me how to achieve this ?

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Basically, at this point your real axes are stopped and you want them to catch up to a moving target (phantom axes) gracefully, right? I would use a motion program, with a linear move for example:



While (1 > 0)

X (P1000) Y (P1001)



Where P1000 and P1001 are the phantom axes commanded positions in user units.


Define TA, TS, and a Feedrate capable of allowing the real motors to catch up with the phantom axes. You could potentially change those on the fly if necessary once the real axes have caught up.

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