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Setting motor behavior during abort?


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Currently when I abort a script motion program Motor[1].DesPos goes to -947e6. I would like to change this behavior to have DesPos (and thus the dac) to go to 0.


I've found the rates (AbortTa, AbortTs) but I don't see the abort target anywhere.


[Note, I am running Motor[1].Ctrl = Sys.PosCtrl so DesPos is linearly related to the output of the DAC. Thus, when the system is aborted, it will try to rail our linear amplifier]

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In this case PMAC will only decelerate to a stop position, from its current position at the time of the abort, determined by the abort deceleration parameters. It will not set the "position" value to zero. If you give PMAC a very fast value for its deceleration it will stop very close to the abort position after which you could jog it to zero.
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