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FTP to Power PMAC


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How do i make an FTP connection to Power PMAC?[hr] The ftp root on the powerpmac is /var/ftp. You cannot place anything there. You can only place data in the subfolders. From a Windows host you can use the Explorer and enter in the IP address as Then you will be able to explore the FTP area as any other drive. This will allow drag and drop of files to and from the PPmac From a Windows host you can also use the old DOS shell (now called CMD) and just enter the address as Then you can use the DOS commands to navigate. From a Linux host you can use the Nautilus file browser and enter in the IP address as Then you will be able to explore the FTP area as any other drive. This will allow drag and drop of files to and from the PPmac From a Linux host you can use a terminal. Here is an example of opening the FTP connection and transferring a file. root@lt-linuxhenry:/opt/eldk-4.2/debian_rootfs/opt/ppmac# ftp ftp> open Connected to 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5) Name ( anonymous 230 Login successful. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> put /tmp/errors.txt usrflash/ local: /tmp/errors.txt remote: usrflash/ 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV. 553 Could not create file. ftp> put /tmp/errors.txt usrflash/test.txt local: /tmp/errors.txt remote: usrflash/test.txt 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV. 150 Ok to send data. 226 File receive OK. 46886 bytes sent in 0.33 secs (136.7 kB/s) ftp>
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